Flight B – Test 3 – Water Triple with a Double Blind and a Diversion Shot
were 58 dogs invited back to Test 3 of Flight B. The handlers were
called to the line under a beautiful big Montana sky with puffy clouds
with the temperature climbing to 70 degrees. When the handlers were
called to the mat, the wind was at their back between 10 to 15 mph.
Judge "Dewey" Bickle introduced this as a little Montana duck hunt.
3 is a Water Triple with both a Land and Water Blind with a Diversion
Shot. The mat sits at the base of the levy facing a beautiful piece of
water. In front of the mat, is long peninsula creating a cove on each
side of the line. The banks surrounding the pond are on a steep angle
up. The bank to the right of the mat has a group of three large pine
trees halfway up the hill. Gunners for the first and second bird are
located behind these trees creating a "Mom & Pop." Bird number one
calls then launches a huge throw to the right landing up the hill behind
a clump of willows at 75 yards from the line.
second gun station calls and then launches to the left going high but
landing close to the pine trees landing 82 yards from the line. The dog
and handler then turn left in response to a duck call. This duck is
launched from behind a grove of willows on the left shore, crosses the
cove and lands on the boggy peninsula 43 yards in front of the mat. On
the dog's return from this retrieve, a diversion shot is fires.
Water Blind is located on the left shore between a group of tall pines
and a small lone pine. The bird is 100 yards from the line and
approximately two feet out of the water on the bank. The line to this
bird is down the right side of the peninsula, off the tip into running
water and crossing a narrow neck of water. Staying right of a small
point on the left shore, the dog exits the pond between the group of
pines and the small pine tree.
The Land Blind sends the
dog to the right shore cutting a small piece of the cove, then angling
up the side of the hill to the bird planted at 90 yards from the line.
This test is taking between 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 minutes per dog.
wind is proving to be in the handler's favor. Dogs going for the
right-hand bird number one are climbing the hill and getting deep. They
are catching scent from the bird and coming back down to pick it up.