Monday, June 3, 2019
Flight A – Test 3 – Water Triple with a Double Blind and a Diversion Shot
It is Monday afternoon and the sun is high in the sky and surrounded by wispy clouds. Flight A has moved to water at the far north end on Bob Sparks at the "Fish Pond." This test is a Water Triple with both a Land Blind and a Water Blind with a Diversion Shot.
The handler and the dog come to the line that is 10 yards from the water's edge. The right-hand bird thrown to the right from behind a single willow bush landing in bog grass at 60 yards with the slightest splash. The left-hand second bird comes from thick willows along the edge of the pond splashing in the opposite diagonal corner of the pond at 52 yards. A diversion shot when returning from the left-hand bird. The middle go bird is thrown from the same single willow as the first mark, creating a "Mom & Pop" landing in the corner of a pond over a levee.
The Land Blind is outside past the fall of the right-hand bird placed in bog grass at 92 yards. The Water Blind is an angle entry into the pond over a point to a second point at 91 yards. This test is taking approximately 6-1/2 minutes per dog.
Terry and Lauri Scott, a husband and wife team, from Helena Valley Retrievers ran both the male and female test dogs … they did very nice work!