Monday, June 3, 2019

Flight A – Test 2 – Walk-up Land/Water Triple with an Out-of-Order Flyer and a Diversion Bird – DAY 2

Test 2 is a Walk-up Land/Water Triple with an Out-of-Order Flyer and a Diversion Bird. As the handler approaches the line, the judges signal for the walk-up bird to be thrown. This bird comes out from the left of the handler and is thrown to the right across a small cove, landing on the bank 35 yards from the line. The handler then swings almost 180 degrees to the right. This flyer is shot from right to left, angle back landing approximately 90 yards from the line. A duck call signals bird number three which calls the dog's attention to the trees in front of the line. This duck is launched over the trees to the right landing in the water 85 yards from the line. As the dog is returning from the flyer, a diversion shot is heard and then a bird is thrown from behind the line out towards the flyer. This test is taking the dogs approximately five minutes to complete.

We have watched the first thirty dogs run this test on its second day. This is a steadiness test with one difficult bird that really challenges the dog. There is a bush on the right side of the narrow peninsula just past the line mat. If the dog creeps out, they are behind this bush and will have difficulty seeing the flyer. Of all the dogs we saw, none had a problem with the left-hand walk-up or the middle bird landing in the lake. The flyer is the "money" bird. We saw some very nice jobs, a dog break and handles. Most dogs are navigating this yest very well.

The logistics of this test require stamina and attention. The marshals are located on the opposite side of the lake and coordinate the line up. A handler must check-in with the marshal, walk across a long levy road and up a gravel road to the other side. This is not a gallery-friendly test and so these actions are necessary to keep this running smoothly.